ቪዲዮ መቁረጫ በ ባይሊንtrom ላይ October 8, 2020ሴፕቴምበር 4፣ 2022 Video Trimmer cuts out a fragment of a video given the start and end timestamps. The video is never re-encoded, so the process is very fast and does not reduce the video quality. … ማንበብ ይቀጥሉቪዲዮ መቁረጫ
VidCutter በ ባይሊንtrom ላይ መጋቢት 13 ቀን 2019ህዳር 25፣ 2023 ዘመናዊ፣ ለአጠቃቀም ቀላል፣ በቋሚነት የሚሻሻል እና ፈጣን ሚዲያ መቁረጫ + JOINER… ማንበብ ይቀጥሉVidCutter