Palapeli is a single-player jigsaw puzzle game. Unlike other games in that genre, you are not limited to aligning pieces on imaginary grids. The pieces are freely moveable. Also, Palapeli features real persistency, i.e. everything you do is saved on your disk immediately. …دوبيجورولغز
OpenRA is a project that recreates and modernizes the classic Command & Conquer real time strategy games. We have developed a flexible open source game engine (the OpenRA engine) that provides a common platform for rebuilding and reimagining classic 2D and 2.5D RTS games (the OpenRA mods). …دوبيجوروأوبنرا
Lights Off is a puzzle game, where the objective is to turn off all of the tiles on the board. Each click toggles the state of the clicked tile and its non-diagonal neighbors. …دوبيجوروالانوار منطفئة
In KMahjongg the tiles are scrambled and staked on top of each other to resemble a certain shape. The player is then expected to remove all the tiles off the game board by locating each tile’s matching pair. …دوبيجوروجونغ
The Klotski application is a clone of the Klotski game. The objective is to move the patterned block to the area bordered by green markers. …دوبيجوروكلوتسكي
KColorChooser هي أداة للوحة الألوان، تُستخدم لمزج الألوان وإنشاء لوحات ألوان مخصصة. باستخدام القطارة، يمكن الحصول على لون أي بكسل على الشاشة. تم تضمين عدد من لوحات الألوان الشائعة، مثل ألوان الويب القياسية ونظام ألوان الأكسجين. … دوبيجورومنتقي الألوان