صورة محمل

ميديا ​​بلاير كلاسيك

ميديا ​​بلاير كلاسيك


Media Player Classic Home Cinema (mpc-hc) is considered by many to be the quintessential media player for the Windows desktop. Media Player Classic Qute Theater (mpc-qt) aims to reproduce most of the interface and functionality of mpc-hc while using libmpv to play video instead of DirectShow.

  • Clone: Nearly everything that mpc-hc does for the casual user.
  • Multiple playlists: When you’re watching shows on your backlog, load every show into separate playlists and still keep track of the last played file for each playlist. Finally you can eliminate the need to keep track of your progress in a spreadsheet, all while never leaving the comfort of your favorite media player.
  • Quick queuing: Out-of-order playback in the same style of xmms/qmmp. Got some compilation albums in a playlist, but want to hear only some rock tracks for a while? Now you can, without obliterating your playlist.
  • Playlist searching: Multi-threaded playlist searching, in the same style as other media players. Find the tracks you want, when you want them.
  • Screenshot templates: Take screenshots with a custom, sleek and stylized filename. Only include the information that you want.
  • Looped playback: Selectively show part of video/music tracks. Amazing, isn’t it?
  • Custom metadata: Display custom metadata in the playlist window. Want to show the artist as well as the title, down to even the encoder used? Nothing is stopping you.

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