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Organic Maps
Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation
Set in a futuristic cartoonish world, Warsow is a completely free fast-paced first-person shooter (FPS) for Windows, Linux and macOS.
A Gnome shell and macOS Expose like dashboard for Xfce.
Trim, flip, rotate and crop individual clips.
Betterbird is a fine-tuned version of Mozilla Thunderbird, Thunderbird on steroids, if you will.
Cine Encoder
Cine Encoder is an application that allow to convert media files while preserving HDR metadata.
Gnome Subtitles
Gnome Subtitles je uređivač titlova za GNOME desktop.
Podržava najčešće tekstualne formate titlova, pregled videa, sinhronizaciju vremena i prevod titlova.
Plavi rekorder
Simple Screen Recorder written in Rust based on Green Recorder.