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The Pencil Project’s unique mission is to build a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping that everyone can use.

  • Pencil provides various built-in shapes collection for drawing different types of user interface ranging from desktop to mobile platforms. Starting from 2.0.2, Pencil is shipped with Android and iOS UI stencils pre-installed. This makes it even easier to start protyping apps with a simple installatio
  • Popular drawing features are also implemented in Pencil to simplify the drawing operations.
  • Starting from 2.0.2 Pencil has even more shape collections included by default. The list of built-in collections now includes general-purpose shapes, flowchart elements, desktop/web UI shapes, Android and iOS GUI shapes.
  • There are also many other collections created by the community and are distributed freely on the Internet. You can easily grab a collection and install it into Pencil with a simple drag-and-drop operation.
  • Pencil supports outputing the drawing document into different types of formats. You can have your drawing exported as a set of rasterized PNG files or as a web page that can be delivered to the viewers.
  • Pencil also supports exporting documents into popular formats including OpenOffice/LibreOffice text documents, Inkscape SVG and Adobe PDF.
  • Pencil has a clipart browser tool that integrates with OpenClipart.org to let users easily find cliparts by keywords and added them into the drawing by a simple drag-and-drop operation. Clipart listed by the tool are in vector format and hence good for users in scaling to appropriate sizes.

Ostavite odgovor

Vaša email adresa neće biti objavljena. Obavezna polja su označena Medijski tasteri i nožne pedale: Parlatype se može kontrolisati pomoću dugmeta "Play" sa vaše multimedijalne tastature. Na ovaj način ne mora imati fokus da bi ga kontrolirao. Možete ukucati svoju tekstualnu aplikaciju i još uvijek imati neku (osnovnu) kontrolu nad Parlatypeom. Nožne pedale se mogu dodijeliti gumbu za reprodukciju.

Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi! 2025 loader imageOperativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi! Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi!Operativni sistem bez trgovine zasnovan na Manjaro Linuxu. Mislimo da je lakši za korištenje od MacOS-a, bolji od Windowsa, prilagodljiviji od Androida i sigurniji od iOS-a. Za korisnike interneta, urednike/potrošače medija, programere, pisce, dizajnere, umjetnike. Svi!

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