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JuK is an audio jukebox application, supporting collections of MP3, Ogg Vorbis, and FLAC audio files. It allows you to edit the “tags” of your audio files, and manage your collection and playlists. It’s main focus, in fact, is on music management.


  • Collection list and multiple user defined playlists
  • Ability to scan directories to automatically import playlists and music files on start up
  • Dynamic Search Playlists that are automatically updated as fields in the collection change
  • A Tree View mode where playlists are automatically generated for sets of albums, artists and genres
  • Playlist history to indicate which files have been played and when
  • Inline search for filtering the list of visible items
  • The ability to guess tag information based on the track’s file name
  • File renamer that can rename files based on the tag content
  • Tag reading and editing support for many formats including ID3v1, ID3v2 and Ogg Vorbis

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