imatge del carregador

Centre de Missió

Centre de Missió


Monitor your CPU, Memory, Disk, Network and GPU usage with Mission Center.

  • Monitor overall or per-thread CPU usage
  • See system process, thread, and handle count, uptime, clock speed (base and current), cache sizes
  • Monitor RAM and Swap usage
  • See a breakdown how the memory is being used by the system
  • Monitor Disk utilization and transfer rates
  • Monitor network utilization and transfer speeds
  • See network interface information such as network card name, connection type (Wi-Fi or Ethernet), wireless speeds and frequency, hardware address, IP address
  • Monitor overall GPU usage, video encoder and decoder usage, memory usage and power consumption, powered by the popular NVTOP project
  • See a breakdown of resource usage by app and process
  • Supports a minified summary view for simple monitoring
  • Use OpenGL rendering for all the graphs in an effort to reduce CPU and overall resource usage

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