imatge del carregador

Nota de l'escriptor



Multiplatform application, currently available for linux, windows, macOS and android, which allows you to take notes in an intelligent way, you can record audio as you write, and listen to it again seeing what you have written for every second of the audio.
  • Pen support
    • Zoom in and zoom on
    • Rubber size and type
    • Pen size option and type
    • Move object with the pen
    • Insert image
    • Enter text in pen mode
    • Reposition the page in case the application has encountered a bug
  • Export file as PDF
  • Print file
  • Keyboard support
  • Audio record:
    • Include audio file in writernote file
    • or decide to save the file in a specific location
    • listen to the audio again and visually see what was being written [only keyboard]
  • Create style of sheet
  • Dynamically decide how to create the sheet
  • Extract audio from writernote file
  • When closing the application, the program understands if the user has written something
  • Decrease file size [only in pen mode]
  • Open last open file 3 options:
    • Set the number of recent files to show
    • Disable the option, and show writernote directly
    • Directly open the last opened file
  • Drag and drop:
    • Imatge
    • Writernote file
  • Draw with mouse
  • In case the application closes unexpectedly it is possible to recover the file, also setting the saving time of the restore file
  • Ready pdf file and take notes

1 pensat en "Nota de l'escriptorFreeCAD us equipa amb totes les eines adequades per a les vostres necessitats. Obteniu eines modernes d'anàlisi d'elements finits (FEA), CFD experimental, BIM, bancs de treball de geodades, banc de treball Path, un mòdul de simulació de robot que us permet estudiar els moviments del robot i moltes més funcions. FreeCAD és realment un ganivet suís de conjunts d'eines d'enginyeria de propòsit general.

  1. @tromSo like, people can draw and explain something while they talk and this app will record both in sync? That seems like an interesting concept…… 🤔Cc: @thebiologist1117 @catswhocode

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