obrázek zavaděče

Podpora šifrování protokolů (kompatibilní s Azureus)

ANT Downloader

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ANT Downloader is a BitTorrent Client developed by golang, angular 7, and electron. ANT aims to be a lightweight, feature-rich, easy-to-use and nice-looking client.
  • a BitTorrent client for all platforms
  • a BitTorrent client with aesthetic appearance
  • a BitTorrent client with low resource occupancy, total size of installation package for windows is only about 40M.
  • a BitTorrent client with rich set of functions including:
    • support for IPV4 and IPV6 settings
    • support for torrent file and magnet link
    • support for playing video while downloading
  • a easy-to-use BitTorrent client. ANT Downloader will take care of most settings needed for a BitTorrent client, including:
  • Playing video while downloading

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