obrázek zavaděče

DAT Desktop

DAT Desktop

14. března 2019
14. března 2019

They use DuckDuckGo as their default search engine, and that is a trade-bsed search engine.


GNUzilla is the GNU version of the Mozilla suite, and GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software. While the Firefox source code from the Mozilla project is free software, they distribute and recommend nonfree software as plug-ins and addons. Also their trademark license imposes requirements for the distribution of modified versions that make it inconvenient to exercise freedom 3.

Privacy protection features:

  • LibreJS: GNU LibreJS aims to address the JavaScript problem described in Richard Stallman’s article The JavaScript Trap.
  • Https-Everywhere: Extension that encrypts your communications with many major websites, making your browsing more secure.
  • SpyBlock: Blocks privacy trackers while in normal browsing mode, and all third party requests when in private browsing mode. Based on Adblock Plus.
  • AboutIceCat: Adds a custom “about:icecat” homepage with links to information about the free software and privacy features in IceCat, and checkboxes to enable and disable the ones more prone to break websites.
  • Fingerprinting countermeasures: Fingerprinting is a series of techniques allowing to uniquely identify a browser based on specific characterisics of that particular instance (like what fonts are available in that machine). Unlike cookies, the user cannot opt-out of being tracked this way; so the browser has to avoid giving away these kinds of hints.

3 FreeCAD vás vybaví všemi správnými nástroji pro vaše potřeby. Získáte moderní nástroje analýzy konečných prvků (FEA), experimentální CFD, BIM, Geodata workbench, Path workbench, modul pro simulaci robota, který vám umožní studovat pohyby robota a mnoho dalších funkcí. FreeCAD je skutečně švýcarský armádní nůž s univerzálními inženýrskými sadami nástrojů.DAT Desktop

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