delwedd llwythwr




Piper is a GTK+ application to configure gaming mice. Piper is merely a frontend, the list of supported devices depends on libratbag. See the libratbag device files for a list of all known devices. The device-specific protocols usually have to be reverse-engineered and the features available may vary to the manufacturer’s advertized features.

Gadewch Ateb

Ni chyhoeddir eich cyfeiriad e-bost. Mae'r meysydd gofynnol wedi'u marcio *

Hawlfraint © 2025 TROM-Jaro. Cedwir Pob Hawl. | Persona Syml ganThemâu Dal

Mae angen 200 o bobl i gyfrannu 5 Ewro y mis er mwyn cefnogi TROM a'i holl brosiectau, am byth.