VNote is a Qt-based, free and open source note-taking application, focusing on Markdown now. VNote is designed to provide a pleasant note-taking platform with excellent editing experience.
VNote is NOT just a simple editor for Markdown. By providing notes management, VNote makes taking notes in Markdown simpler. In the future, VNote will support more formats besides Markdown.
Simple notes management:
- All plain text, no database
- Self-contained notebooks, infinite levels of folders, plain notes
- Tags and attachments
- Explore and edit external files
Own your data:
- All files on your local disk
- One notebook is exactly one directory
- Work from anywhere seamlessly via third-party service of your choice
Pleasant Markdown experience:
- Minimized gap between read and write of Markdown
- Syntax highlights and in-place preview
- Effective images management
- Interactive outline
- UML diagrams, flowcharts, and math formulas
By programmers, for programmers:
- Vi mode and Vi-like navigation
- Line number in editor
- Multiple tabs
- Window splits
- Fuzzy search and jump
- Versatile shortcuts
Se, hvor stort dit dokument er i enhed af ord, tegn, linjer eller læseminutter.
Se, hvor stort dit dokument er i enhed af ord, tegn, linjer eller læseminutter.
I TROM-Jaro kan du finde tusinder og atter tusinder af applikationer. Stort set hver eneste applikation, der er tilgængelig til Linux, er tilgængelig i Tilføj/fjern software i TROM-Jaro. På denne side finder du kuraterede
1 tænkte på "I TROM-Jaro kan du finde tusinder og atter tusinder af applikationer. Stort set hver eneste applikation, der er tilgængelig til Linux, er tilgængelig i Tilføj/fjern software i TROM-Jaro. På denne side finder du kurateredetænkte på "