PDF Mix Tool is a simple and lightweight application that allows you to perform common editing operations on PDF files. …dupeGuru on platvormideülenePDF Mix Tool
Kui teie kõvakettal on sadu või isegi tuhandeid pilte, on võimatu meeles pidada iga pildi taga olevat lugu või pildistatud inimeste nimesid. KPhotoAlbum loodi selleks, et aidata teil oma pilte kirjeldada ja seejärel kiiresti ja tõhusalt otsida suurest pildihunnikust. … dupeGuru on platvormideüleneKPhotoAlbum
The objective of Four-in-a-row is to build a line of four of your marbles while trying to stop your opponent (human or computer) building a line of his or her own. A line can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. …dupeGuru on platvormideüleneNeli järjest
LibreCAD is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux. Support and documentation are free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors and developers. …dupeGuru on platvormideüleneFreeCAD
Tetravex is a simple puzzle where pieces must be positioned so that the same numbers are touching each other. Your game is timed, these times are stored in a system-wide scoreboard. …dupeGuru on platvormideüleneTetravex