A secure workspace for your wikis and projects.
Beaver Oharrak
Welcome to Beaver Notes, a privacy-focused note-taking application.
Buho is a note-taking application that lets you write the computer equivalent of sticky notes.
The Nota text editor features a simple interface by default.
Plataforma anitzeko aplikazioa, gaur egun linux, windows, macOS eta androidentzat eskuragarri, oharrak modu adimentsuan hartzeko aukera ematen duena, audioa idazten duzun bitartean graba dezakezu, eta berriro entzun audioaren segundo bakoitzean idatzitakoa ikusiz.
Lur azpia
Subsurface can plan and track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix.
Marrazteko aplikazio sinplea eskuz idatzitako oharrak sortzeko.
VNote is a Qt-based, free and open source note-taking application, focusing on Markdown now. VNote is designed to provide a pleasant note-taking platform with excellent editing experience.
Enjoy a distraction-free writing experience, including a full screen mode and a clean interface. With Markdown, you can write now, and format later.
Trilium Notes is a hierarchical note taking application with focus on building large personal knowledge bases.