
TiddlyWiki wiki pertsonala eta informazio konplexua antolatzeko eta partekatzeko koaderno ez-lineala da. Kode irekiko orrialde bakarreko aplikazio wiki bat da, CSS, JavaScript eta edukia biltzen dituen HTML fitxategi bakar baten moduan. Aplikazioaren arabera pertsonalizatzeko eta birmoldatzeko erraza izateko diseinatuta dago. Edukiak berrerabiltzea errazten du Tiddlers izeneko zati txikitan banatuz.
TiddlyWiki is designed for customization and to be shaped according to users’ specific needs, perhaps comparable to a high-end programming language. As such, it can be shaped into a wide and arbitrary range of special applications. Examples include niche note taking applications, to-do lists, presentations, collections, authoring tools, personal databases, recipe collections, etc.
Although there are many TiddlyWiki documents on the Web, the majority of TiddlyWikis reside on personal computers or in the cloud, or are exchanged over email, in a manner similar to word processing documents and spreadsheets. As a single HTML file, or saved as an HTA file in Microsoft Windows (allowing corporate IE lockdown to be bypassed), TiddlyWiki can be useful in corporate environments where red tape or IT resources might prevent the use of a wiki that requires a more complicated installation.
This amazing tool lets you build custom websites that you can self host. We use it to decentralize our websites. Anyone can edit these websites from within the browser and save them in their computer. Really amazing tool!