تصویر لودر

بازگشت به زمان

بازگشت به زمان


Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux, inspired by “flyback project”.

It provides a command line client ‘backintime’ and a Qt5 GUI ‘backintime-qt’ both written in Python3.

You only need to specify 3 things:

  • where to save snapshots
  • what folders to backup
  • backup frequency (manual, every hour, every day, every month)

1 فکر کردن در مورد "بازگشت به زمانمرورگر اینترنت

  1. Maybe not a modern and simple UI like the other recomemnded backup tools, but it works very well. It supports both encrypted and unencrypted backups and the fact that you have so many kinds of setting up options (time-wise) makes it perfect for certain scenarios that the other backup tools do not cover. For example say you are working withing a folder that contains multiple files that are modified very quickly and often – simply set up a backup of that folder with Back In Time every 5 minutes and make sure all of your files are safe.

پاسخ دهید

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