تصویر لودر

مرکز ماموریت

مرکز ماموریت


استفاده از CPU، حافظه، دیسک، شبکه و GPU خود را با Mission Center نظارت کنید.
آهنگساز زیرنویس

  • Monitor overall or per-thread CPU usage
  • See system process, thread, and handle count, uptime, clock speed (base and current), cache sizes
  • Monitor RAM and Swap usage
  • See a breakdown how the memory is being used by the system
  • Monitor Disk utilization and transfer rates
  • Monitor network utilization and transfer speeds
  • See network interface information such as network card name, connection type (Wi-Fi or Ethernet), wireless speeds and frequency, hardware address, IP address
  • Monitor overall GPU usage, video encoder and decoder usage, memory usage and power consumption, powered by the popular NVTOP project
  • See a breakdown of resource usage by app and process
  • Supports a minified summary view for simple monitoring
  • Use OpenGL rendering for all the graphs in an effort to reduce CPU and overall resource usage

پاسخ دهید

آدرس ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. قسمتهای مورد نیاز علامت گذاری شده اند *

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