iyaloyalo ni vakatawani

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Oi keimami e so na volodia era tovolea me ra kila tiko na tamata kecega ni qito keimami qito tiko (Qito ni Veivoli) sa vakavuna tiko e vuqa na leqa ni gauna oqo: mai na ivalavala ca ki na ivalavala kaukauwa, viakana ki na ivoli ca, maroroi itukutuku ki na vakasaurarataki ni tamata yadua, veisautaki ni draki vakatamata ki na vakayavutaki, kei na veika tale eso. E viri ira ga na tamata ki na dua na qito Me kena iliuliu me ra "volivolitaki": cakava e dua na ka mo rawata kina e dua tale na ka. Na vakasotaravi ni kaukauwa oqo vei ira era gadreva/vinakata kei ira e tu vei ira na veivakarautaki oqo e vakavuna me ca sara na nodra itovo na tamata (dau vakasokomuni ivurevure, vakalala, vakavuna na ivoli vinaka, lasu, veivakacalai, veivakacacani, kei na so tale). Eda vakamacalataka vakamatailalai, ka vakaivurevure vinaka, na laini kece oqo ni vakasama kei na iwali me valuti kina na mataqali isoqosoqo taumada oqo, ena www.tromsite.com, me tekivu mai na 2011.

Eda sega walega ni vakavuna me da kila na ka oqo, ia eda na vakarautaka na kena iwali (ena kena levu ga eda rawata). Na iwali ni dua na isoqosoqo yavutaki ena Veivoli, sa ikoya e dua na Trade-Free isoqosoqo, ka da sa bulia tiko na iyau kei na veiqaravi sega ni saumi. Ena vuravura nikua na vakasama ni "galala" sa mai yali kina na kena ibalebale taucoko. E tukuna na FaceBook ni "galala" ia era kumuna vata na nomu itukutuku me rawa ni o vakayagataka na nodra veiqaravi; O ikotube e vakasaqaqara itukutuku ki na matamu ka kacivaka me "galala"; Na Android e dua na dauvakadinaqai ni veiyauqaqa kei na ivakatakilakila ni Google ena kena ivakarau vata ga. Oqo era sega ni saumi ilavo, sega ni saumi ena matanivola lelevu, kei na so tale, ia E SEGA ni saumi. Era vinakata e dua na ka mai vei iko (dua na cakacaka, me vaka na nomu itukutuku se vakarorogo).

Na gauna e yaco kina e dua na ka galala ni veivoli, e kena ibalebale ni sega ni vinakata e dua na ka mai na kena "dau vakayagataka". E sega ni vakasokumuni itukutuku, sega ni vinakata na nodra vakarorogo se ilavo na tamata, kei na so tale. Oqo na ivakarau savasava duadua ni bula galala kei koya e yalodina duadua.


Indeed Manjaro can be seen as trade-free since they do not collect people’s data, ask them for money in order to use their operating system, and so forth. However they promote trade-based applications in their default Manjaro installations such as Steam, FreeOffice or Microsoft Office – and maybe other packages too. These packages want something from people (a trade) – either money, or data, or attention. Therefore we removed all of such packages and only kept (plus added) trade-free packages. We wanted a Linux Distribution that is honest and does not want to deceive you into all kinds of trading schemes. On top of that we wanted to improve the desktop experience in our own way, so we added some custom changes/improvements to the spin.


Here are several changes that are unique to TROMjaro:
  • We have built a Layout Switcher for XFCE, that allows anyone to quickly switch between 6 different layouts.
  • We have built our own Theme Switcher for XFCE: 10 accent colors, light/dark variants. Unlike any theme switcher that we are aware of, this one is able to apply our TROMjaro themes to pretty much all of the Linux apps out there (QT, GTK, GTK + LIbadwaita, Flatpaks). And work properly with them.
  • We’ve applied the same fixes for the entire XFCE desktop for themes and icons – meaning, when you select a theme and an icon set, it will apply across multiple types of packages, unlike pretty much any distro out there.
  • We have integrated and enabled the Chaotic-AUR repository.
  • We ship with a lot of hand-picked Wallpapers that are more or less unique to our distro.
  • We co-create the default TROMjaro icon pack, and therefore we make hundreds of custom icons for TROMjaro.
  • We have enabled Global Menus and HUD.
  • We added a lot more options for the Settings Manager, such as the ability to configure touchpad/mouse gestures, RGB lights, system and files backup, webcam, added a system cleaner and a lot more. Therefore a more complete set of Settings.
  • We added gestures for mouse, touchpad and touchscreen.
  • We test TROMjaro on touchscreen devices too, and optimize for that. For example we ship with a customized Virtual Keyboard.
  • We enabled Flatpaks and AUR, plus we have our own small repository. Thus, users have full access to pretty much all apps that are available in Linux, from the get-go.
  • We added support for Appimages.
  • TROMjaro creates a system backup automatically every time there are important updates.
  • We made sure that pretty much all common files (video, audio, documents, images) are opened with properly tested apps from the get-go. Meaning, you do nor have to worry about your files. Double click them and they simply work. We also added support for .torrents files.
  • We ship with a heavily tweaked Firefox. We have removed most annoyances and trackers from Firefox, plus added a handful of addons and set them up, so that users will be protected from the online trades (ads and trackers are removed, alongside promotional content from youtube videos). Users can also save webpages or media files from Firefox directly.
  • We’ve added a few unique and useful apps to TROMjaro, like a trade-free VPN, a simple file sharing app, messenger, and so forth.
  • We added custom internet searches directly from the system’s menu. One can search via maps, images, videos, and so much more.
  • Lastly, we have our own web app library – we test thousands of apps and add only the trade-free ones to our library. TROMjaro users can directly install any of them from the website itself.
You can watch this series of videos about TROMjaro for a more in-depth presentation. Please see the tabana e vale me baleta e dua na ivakamacala titobu ni TROMjaro.
You can also access our build profile eke (meaning you can build TROM-Jaro yourself).
© ni Dodonu ni Lavelavetaki 2024 TROM-Jaro. Dodonu kece e taqomaki. | Simple Persona mai veiToboka na iKau

Eda gadreva e 200 na tamata me ra solia e 5 na Euro ena dua na vula me rawa ni tokoni kina na TROM kei na kena cakacaka kece sara, me tawamudu.