iyaloyalo ni vakatawani

iWasewase: Eso Tale


Na MusicBrainz Picard e dua na ivakarau ni kauveilatai (Linux, macOS, Windows) vakayagataki ni veivakavakatakilakilataki ni vakarorogo.

Cakava me Tamata

MakeHuman is used as a basis for a lot of characters used in art of different styles and methods, like creation of comics and cartoons,animations, full scenes in Blender and other software or using only parts of the human body combined with technical or artificial elements.

© ni Dodonu ni Lavelavetaki 2025 TROM-Jaro. Dodonu kece e taqomaki. | Simple Persona mai veiToboka na iKau

Eda gadreva e 200 na tamata me ra solia e 5 na Euro ena dua na vula me rawa ni tokoni kina na TROM kei na kena cakacaka kece sara, me tawamudu.