Wy riede oan dat jo ús updates yn 'e gaten hâlde, om't jo soms miskien wat wizigingen moatte dwaan om TROMjaro geweldich te hâlden ;). Do kinst ynskriuwe fia RSS of EMAIL om notifikaasjes te krijen oer ús releases.
Noch in wike, in oare update. Dingen dy't wy hawwe feroare:
- We removed the TROMjaro GDM theme. This is basically the “log in” screen theme that Dave helped to build, but since Dave cannot help with TROMjaro anymore and the theme was not updated in months, resulting in some visual artifacts, we recommend that you remove it. Simply go to Add/Remove Software and search for “tromjaro-gdm-theme” and remove it. Do not worry, the log in screen will look almost the same as before.
- The login screen may display a big TROMjaro logo. The updates we pushed should remove that logo. If, after a restart and the latest updates, you still see that logo there and you hate it, open the terminal and paste this line “sudo rm /usr/share/icons/manjaro/maia/tromjaro-logo.png” – enter, then add your password and enter again. Should be gone now.
- Wy kearden werom nei it orizjinele Zafiro-ikoanpakket. Gean asjebleaft nei de Zafiro-ikoanside hjir, and install it. It will automatically remove the “bad” Zafiro icon theme and install the good one. If you can’t see the changes go to your Tweaks, select a different icon pack, then select Zafiro again. Done.
- We installed the “pamac-gnome-yntegraasje” package. This allows for users to right click any app in the side bar or the app menu, and then “show details” to open that app in the Software Center. It is an easy way to see more info about an app or uninstall an app.
This is a very small update to fix an issue with WebTorrent that didn’t allow for users to change anything in ‘preferences’. And because of that torrent files were downloaded in the ‘temp’ folder creating a lot of mess. That folder is ‘temporary’ so whatever one downloaded there it would have been deleted soon. Also, other apps would not have been able to work properly since the ‘tmp’ folder would have been full. Nevertheless we opted in for a different webtorrent version. So, the only thing one has to do is to go to Webtorrent page hjir to install the proper Webtorrent app. Don’t worry, in the process it will remove the old Webtorrent + your settings will still be in place. Before you do this, please quit Webtorrent if you have it open – File – Quit. That’s all!
- Wy ferfongen SMplayer en Exaile mei Parole as de standert fideo / audio spiler. Wy wolle TROMjaro heul brûkerfreonlik hâlde en SMplayer en Exaile wiene in bytsje te yngewikkeld foar de gemiddelde brûker, en levere in protte mear opsjes dan de measte minsken wierskynlik nedich binne. Parole is in heul ienfâldige spiler en super maklik te brûken foar sawol fideo- as audiobestannen. Fansels kin elkenien SMplayer en Exaile ynstallearje fan ús hannelsfrije appsbibleteek.
- We replaced the old and not-working-anymore ‘Sci-hub’ Firefox extension with the ‘Go to Sci-Hub’ útbou.
- Wy hawwe Google fuortsmiten fan 'e list mei Firefox-sykmasjines en hawwe in pear mear tafoege dy't hannelsfrij binne: MetaGer Search, myn, Peekier, en Searx.
- Wy tafoege de lettertype-finder app sadat wy it makliker meitsje foar minsken om lettertypen yn TROMjaro te ynstallearjen. Wy hawwe ek tafoege GColor.
- Wy tafoege gnome-shell-extension-unite en gnome-shell-útwreiding-dash-to-dock as pakketten en net tafoegings foar bettere kompatibiliteit. As jo TROMjaro al ynstalleare hawwe, kinne jo se gewoan opnij ynstallearje.
- Wy tafoege GNote om't wy in app foar notysjes misten.
- Wy tafoege Kazam en Audio Recorder om't wy tinke dat dizze ark essensjeel binne foar elk bestjoeringssysteem (foar de brûkers om audio / fideo op te nimmen).
- Wy misten ek in app wêrmei minsken kinne kommunisearje, dus hawwe wy it geweldige tafoege qtox messenger dy't tekst / fideo / audio desintralisearre petearen leveret.
- Ta beslút wy tafoege in prachtige app neamd Moarmer. It is sawol in kaartark, as ek in edukatyf.
- Wy hawwe flatpak-stipe ynskeakele yn software tafoegje / fuortsmite. Dit iepenet mear applikaasjes yn it softwaresintrum. Ynstallearje it hjirwei pamac-flatpak-plugin as jo al TROMjaro. Wy riede jo tige oan om it te ynstallearjen, om't wy gau brûkers kinne tastean flatpak-applikaasjes direkt út ús app-bibleteek te ynstallearjen, dus jo hawwe dit pakket nedich. Wy hawwe it ek standert ynskeakele yn 'e nije TROMjaro-release. Om it manuell yn te skeakeljen, gean nei Software taheakje / fuortsmite, klikje op it Menu-ikoan en dan Foarkarren. Foegje jo wachtwurd ta en navigearje dan nei it ljepblêd Flatpak. Aktivearje it as sadanich.
- We installed some drivers for printers’ support. hplip-minimaal om krekter te wêzen.
This release is mostly (almost all of it) about ‘updates’. We are trying to release a new TROMjaro ISO every month so that new users get to test and install an updated version of TROMjaro. Past users get these updates automatically. However, on top of these updates we may push little changes that we will always list with the release. For this release we did the following:
- Enabled the pinch-to-zoom in Firefox for touchscreen devices. If you already have a touchscreen device we recommend you do that too since it greatly improves the zoom ability for websites. Go to about:config (write that in the URL bar) and search for ‘setting apz.allow_zooming’. Click it to enable it.
- We added a new Gnome Extension: “Zorin skerm toetseboerd knop” to easily access the virtual keyboard when you are using a tablet-computer.
Dizze fernijing giet benammen om it bywurkjen fan TROM-Jaro foar dyjingen dy't it fanôf it begjin wolle ynstallearje. Fan tiid ta tiid sille wy de iso bywurkje om 'e wille fan in bywurke TROM-Jaro foar feiligens- en kompatibiliteitsredenen. Lykwols, boppedat hawwe wy it folgjende tafoege/ferbettere:
- Added de kernel-libben package to make sure that when people update the kernel, the update won’t break the current session. Normally it is recommended to restart the computer after a kernel update, but with this package it is not necessary to do that unless you want to use the new kernel updates. Previous TROM-Jaro users can click the above URL and install the package.
. - Oerskeakele nei de nije Kernel 5.4 LTS. Dit is in Long Time Support kernel (LTS). It is in seldsum barren dat elke pear jier bart. Wy riede oan dat âlde TROM-Jaro-brûkers bywurkje nei de nije kernel. It is hiel maklik. Ynstallearje manjaro-settings-manager (another new package that we added to this new ISO). Open it. Go to ‘Kernel’. Then, where it says kernel 5.4 (xx) LTS, click install.
Once the installation is complete simply reboot the computer. That’s all.
. - Wy tafoege a Sound Switcher Gnome-útwreiding, sadat it makliker is om de lûdútfier (sprekkers / koptelefoan) en lûdynput (mikrofoan) direkt fan 'e rjochter boppeste balke te feroarjen. Foarige TROM-Jaro-brûkers kinne op de boppesteande URL klikke en it dan ynskeakelje.
. - Wy ferfongen de Volume Scroll Gnome útwreiding mei Scrolvol omdat Scrolvol wurdt better ûnderhâlden / bywurke. Se dogge itselde ding, wêrtroch brûkers it folume kinne feroarje troch boppe op 'e boppebalke te rôljen. Scrolvol wurket allinnich as jo rôlje op de top rjochts (yndikatoaren) diel fan de top bar. Wy kinne besykje it yn 'e takomst mei de heule boppebalke te wurkjen. Foarige TROM-Jaro-brûkers kinne de Volume Scroll-útwreiding gewoan útskeakelje en de Scrolvol ynskeakelje.
. - We made WebTorrent open the video files that it cannot play, with SMplayer by default, instead of VLC. This is a bug in WebTorrent that doesn’t let you change the default player from its preferences so we had to do it manually. Previous TROM-Jaro users can do that by navigating to Home/.config/WebTorrent (if you can’t find the folder press Ctrl + H to see the hidden folders) and simply edit the file called ‘config.json’ with the default text editor. At the line ‘externalPlayerPath’: ” tafoegje /usr/bin/smplayer sa liket it derop ‘externalPlayerPath’: ‘/usr/bin/smplayer’. Save and that’s it.
. - Wy hawwe wat pakketten en oanpaste konfiguraasjes tafoege oan Firefox om TROM-Jaro better te meitsjen mei touchscreen-apparaten. Autorotaasje of oanraakgebearten foar Firefox binne guon fan 'e ferbetterings dy't wy tafoege. As jo al TROM-Jaro brûke en in touchscreen-apparaat hawwe, brûk dan ús chat stipe sadat wy jo kinne helpe dizze feroaringen te dwaan.
Dit is in wichtige release, om't wy alles wer organisearre hawwe efter hoe't TROMjaro is makke yn 'e efterkant. Net folle is feroare foar de front-end brûkers, útsein dat se moatte migrearje nei ús nije repository.
Wat hawwe wy ferbettere?
Al ús TROMjaro-projekt is no oan GitLab tank oan Dave dy't as in gek wurke om TROMjaro goed organisearre en funksjoneel te meitsjen. Dêrnjonken hawwe wy in pear pakketten fan AUR tafoege en in pear fan ús eigen makke foaral om Manjaro te merken mei ús eigen TROMjaro-smaak. De GDM, de GRUB, de Ynstallearder, se hawwe allegear in TROM-geur!
Yn essinsje hawwe wy dit dien:
- Manjaro-branding fuortsmiten en ferfongen troch TROM-branding.
- Ferpleatst ús repository nei TROM Cloud en wy brûke no in spegellist ynstee fan in ienfâldige URL dêrfoar. Op dizze manier kinne wy ús repository fan TROM Cloud goed beheare en meardere repositorylokaasjes tafoegje, dus as ien del is, sil in oare wurkje.
- We made an ‘app’ for our TROM Cloud that now resides in our repo – this is mainly for our TROM Teams.
- We now store the Gnome settings in ‘schema’ files on GitLab in order to fix a major bug: previously if the user selected the language, timezone, keyboard layout and so forth on installation, all of these settings would have been rewritten after the installation was done. No more! We also used to drag a lot of Gnome Settings garbage with how we used to store the Gnome Settings in the past. No more!
- Wy hawwe in flater repareare mei Gnome Tweaks dy't alle Gnome-útwreidingen útskeakele by it ôfmelden fan brûkers.
- Wy hawwe in oanpaste slider tafoege foar de TROMjaro-ynstallearder dy't beskriuwt wêr't TROMjaro alles oer giet en in bytsje oer it hannelsfrije idee.
- Wy brûke no de standert Gnome-apps-kategorisearring foar TROMjaro, sadat elke app nei de ynstallaasje nei de juste map giet.
- Because we realized that the last iso was too minimal and not-so-computer-savvy-users found it difficult to use it without installing a bunch of apps, we made sure that this time, most of the user’s needs are covered. We installed applications that allow users to open the most common files (audio, video, photo, documents, torrents). You can find the list on our new TROMjaro homepage https://www.tromjaro.com/.
- We tweaked Firefox a bit, removed some extensions and added a few others. Most notably, we implemented the DAT decentralized network into Firefox by default, which allows people to open .dat websites ‘natively’.
Wat moatte eardere brûkers dwaan?
First of all, you have to understand that we want a TROMjaro that doesn’t change from one release to another. We want to create the foundation of a house and let the user put the furniture in and all of that. Make it comfy for themselves. But we needed to do this foundation properly and we think that now we got it. So that’s how TROMjaro will look like from now on, as this last iso is.
Dat wurdt sein, jo MOET dit dwaan:
- Update de repository databank. Gean nei jo Software tafoegje / fuortsmite en klikje op de menuknop. Klikje dan op Databases ferfarskje:
. - It will ask you for your password then it will update the repositories. After it is done search for ‘tromjaro-mirrorlist’ in the Add/Remove Software. Find it and install it. That should be it! Close the Add/Remove Software then open it again- Refresh the databases one more time. Now you have access to the new TROMjaro repository.
Wat kinne jo oars dwaan? Om ús oanpaste branding te brûken, guon reparaasjes dy't wy makke hawwe, en it DAT-netwurk, ynstallearje it folgjende (sykje dernei yn Software tafoegje/fuortsmite):
- tromjaro-gdm-tema
- tromjaro-gnome-shell-fix
- grub-tema-tromjaro
- dat-fox-helper-git
Om gearfetsje foar eardere brûkers:
- Wy hawwe feroare wêr't ús repository leit, dus update dat asjebleaft.
- Wy hawwe wat TROMjaro-branding tafoege, sadat jo dat ek kinne tafoegje oan jo systeem.
- Wy hawwe in pear standert apps tafoege dy't jo kinne fine op tromjaro.com thússide wêrfan jo se ek kinne ynstallearje as jo wolle.
- We removed/added some Firefox extensions – all of the default extensions are listed on the same tromjaro.com homepage (click any extension to install it if you desire).
That’s all! We are available on TROMjaro Support Chat as jo ús nedich hawwe.
Yn dizze release hawwe wy de distribúsje in bytsje skjinmakke en de stipe ynskeakele foar it ynstallearjen fan applikaasjes direkt fan tromjaro.com. Wy tochten dat, om't it no super maklik is om ús oanbefellende hannelsfrije apps fan 'e webside te ynstallearjen, d'r net folle nut is foar ús om standert in protte applikaasjes te ynstallearjen. Wy wolle de ISO sa minimaal mooglik hâlde en minsken litte beslute hokker applikaasjes se wolle ynstalleare op har systeem. Wy hâlde allinich de basis en meast funksjonele apps dy't krúsjaal binne foar it systeem, lykas backups, ynstellingen en tweaks, en sa.
Yn it koart:
- Wy hawwe in pear Firefox-tafoegings fuortsmiten/tafoege. Fanôf no sille wy allinich de meast basale Firefox-tafoegings tafoegje dy't de brûkers beskermje tsjin 'e online hannels dy't se twongen wurde oan te dwaan. Sa blokkearje wy advertinsjes en trackers + ûntsluten wittenskiplike artikels dy't ferburgen binne efter paywalls. Wy sille begjinne om oanrikkemandearre Firefox-tafoegings ta te foegjen oan ús tromjaro.com/apps, sadat wy it behannelje lykas wy de haadferdieling behannelje, mei itselde doel foar eagen: lit brûkers kieze hoe't se har Firefox oanpasse.
- Wy hawwe in boskje apps fan it systeem fuortsmiten, lykas LibreOffice, Webtorrent, en sa, en litte allinich de meast basale op it plak litte.
- Wy hawwe in pear Gnome-útwreidings fuortsmiten, om't wy se ek sille begjinne te kurearjen / oan te rieden op ús tromjaro.com/apps-side. Lit de brûker kieze!
- Wy hawwe stipe tafoege foar it ynstallearjen fan applikaasjes fan tromjaro.com/apps of elke webside dy't it ymplementearje wol. Hjir is it pakket dat soarget foar sa'n funksje.
- Wy hawwe guon pakketten fuorthelle om de distribúsje lichter te meitsjen, ynklusyf wat Manjaro-merk.
- Oer it algemien hawwe wy de grutte fan 'e ISO fermindere fan 2.2GB nei 1.6GB.
- Wy hawwe noch 3 eftergrûnen tafoege.
Foar de folgjende release wolle wy de Gnome-ynstellingen op in folle bettere manier opslaan, sadat de ynstallaasjekonfiguraasjes (taal, toetseboerdyndieling, lokaasje en oere) net oerskreaun wurde lykas no. Wy sille ek ús eigen branding tafoegje oan de distribúsje. Wy woenen dizze beide dwaan foar dizze release, mar wy hienen net de manmacht om se te dwaan: D.
NOAT: For previous TROM-Jaro users there is nothing special you have to do except updating the TROMrepo (since we removed some packages) – open the terminal and copy paste ‘sudo pacman -Syu’ – enter, then add your password. Second, add this line in the terminal ‘sudo pacman -Syu pamac-url-handler –overwrite /usr/bin/pamac-url-handler’ (enter) – so that you better enable the support for the web-installer. That’s all.