dealbh luchdan




Shotwell is a personal photo manager.

dealbh luchdan

  • Import from disk or camera
  • Organize by time-based Events, Tags (keywords), Folders, and more
  • View your photos in full-window or fullscreen mode
  • Crop, rotate, color adjust, straighten, and enhance photos
  • Slideshow
  • Video and RAW photo support

nàdur BruidhinnShotwellBruidhinn


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Còraichean © 2024 TROM-Jaro. Còraichean uile glèidhte. | Persona sìmplidh leGlac Cuspairean

Feumaidh sinn 200 neach gus 5 Euros a thoirt seachad gach mìos gus taic a thoirt do TROM agus a phròiseactan gu lèir, gu bràth.