Tha Parole na chluicheadair meadhanan sìmplidh ùr-nodha stèidhichte air frèam GStreamer agus air a sgrìobhadh gus freagairt gu math air deasg Xfce. …
am Muile
Tha aMule na neach-dèiligidh coltach ri eMule airson lìonraidhean eD2k agus Kademlia, a’ toirt taic do ghrunn àrd-ùrlaran.
An-dràsta tha aMule (gu h-oifigeil) a’ toirt taic do ghrunn àrd-ùrlaran agus siostaman obrachaidh, leis gu bheil e co-chòrdail ri barrachd air 60 diofar chruthan bathar-cruaidh + OS.
Tha aMule gu tur an-asgaidh, tha an còd stòr aige air a leigeil ma sgaoil fon GPL dìreach mar eMule, agus chan eil e a’ toirt a-steach adware no spyware mar a lorgar gu tric ann an tagraidhean P2P seilbhe. …
Trimage is a cross-platform GUI and command-line interface to optimize image files for websites, using optipng, pngcrush, advpng and jpegoptim, depending on the filetype (currently, PNG and JPG files are supported). It was inspired by imageoptim. All image files are losslessy compressed on the highest available compression levels, and EXIF and other metadata is removed. Trimage gives you various input functions to fit your own workflow: A regular file dialog, dragging and dropping and various command line options. …