Rocs is a Graph Theory IDE for designing and analyzing graph algorithms.
Aimsir Gis
Customizable weather widget.
MusicBrainz Picard is a cross-platform (Linux, macOS, Windows) audio tagging application.
Track your fitness goals.
Metronome sìmplidh airson a h-uile neach-ciùil a chuidicheas le bhith a’ cleachdadh grunn ruitheaman aig iomadh astar
Roinn Ro-shealladh
Test social media cards locally.
Subsurface can plan and track single- and multi-tank dives using air, Nitrox or TriMix.
Ceangail KDE
Enabling communication between all your devices. Made for people like you.
Dèan Daonna
MakeHuman is used as a basis for a lot of characters used in art of different styles and methods, like creation of comics and cartoons,animations, full scenes in Blender and other software or using only parts of the human body combined with technical or artificial elements.
Webcamoid is a full featured and multiplatform webcam suite.