Write an ISO file to multiple USB devices at once
Passbook is a password manager
qpdfview is a tabbed document viewer.
Video Downloader
Download videos from websites with an easy-to-use interface. Provides the following features:
Very simple cross-platform file encryption
Sùil Gnome
Eye of GNOME is the GNOME image viewer.
Tha Parlatype na chluicheadair claisneachd as lugha airson tar-sgrìobhadh cainnt làimhe, sgrìobhte airson àrainneachd deasg GNOME. Bidh e a’ cluich stòran claisneachd gus an ath-sgrìobhadh san tagradh teacsa as fheàrr leat.
Glacadh-sgrìn Gnome
GNOME Screenshot is a small utility that takes a screenshot of the whole
desktop; the currently focused window; or an area of the screen.
Piper is a GTK+ application to configure gaming mice.
Teachdaire Seisean
Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes sensitive metadata collection, and is designed for people who want privacy and freedom from any forms of surveillance.