KColorChooser is a color palette tool, used to mix colors and create custom color palettes. Using the dropper, it can obtain the color of any pixel on the screen. A number of common color palettes are included, such as the standard Web colors and the Oxygen color scheme. …
Tha VirtualBox na thoradh brìgheil cumhachdach x86 agus AMD64 / Intel64 airson iomairt a bharrachd air cleachdadh dachaigh. Chan e a-mhàin gu bheil VirtualBox na thoradh fìor bheairteach, àrd-choileanadh airson luchd-ceannach iomairt, is e cuideachd an aon fhuasgladh proifeasanta a tha ri fhaighinn gu saor mar Bathar-bog Stòr Fosgailte fo chumhachan dreach Cead Poblach Coitcheann GNU (GPL) 2. …