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DeaDBeeF lets you play variety of audio formats, convert between them, customize the UI almost any way you want, and use many additional plugins which can extend it even more.

Plays nearly anything you throw at it

  • Mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, ape, wv/iso.wv, wav, m4a/m4b/mp4 (aac and alac), mpc, tta, cd audio, and many more
  • Nsf, ay, vtx, vgm/vgz, spc and many other popular chiptune formats
  • SID with HVSC song length database support for sid
  • Tracker modules – mod, s3m, it, xm, etc
  • And even more formats using FFMPEG

Pretty good at reading and writing tags

  • ID3v1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, APEv2, Xing/Info, VorbisComments tag reading and writing, as well as reading many other tag/metadata formats in most supported formats
  • Automatic character set detection for non-unicode id3 tags – supports cp1251, iso8859-1, and now chinese cp936 (optional), as well as SHIFT-JIS and MS-DOS CP866 for selected formats
  • Unicode tags are fully supported as well (both utf8 and ucs2)
  • High quality tag editor, with custom fields support
Very nice Cuesheet support, automatically splitting albums into tracks for you.
  • Cuesheet (.cue files) support, including charset detection/conversion
  • Embedded and external ones
  • Smart heuristics for matching audio files with cuesheet files
  • Additionally, chapter information can be extracted and used from selected formats, such as m4b audiobooks, ogg files, etc.
DeaDBeeF is compact and efficient
  • Each platform’s native UI toolkit is employed to deliver the best experience
  • GTK2, GTK3, ALSA and PulseAudio on Unix systems
  • Cocoa and CoreAudio on Mac
Direct approach to organizing your music
  • Your files are added to the player directly from the filesystem
  • Multiple playlists using tabs or a playlist browser
  • Sort and group the tracks in any order you wish, using advanced Title Formatting scripting, compatible with Foobar2000
Need that extra bass punch?
  • 18-band graphical equalizer and other DSP plugins
  • Highly customizable DSP pipeline with a number of plugins available
  • Gapless playback for correctly encoded files
  • Replaygain – including the Scanner!
What about album art?
  • You can enable displaying Album Art (see the Help page in the player on how to do that)
  • It can be loaded from image files, or from audio file tags
  • The image files can be automatically downloaded from various web services
Network features!
  • streaming radio support for selected formats and transports
  • most popular formats are supporter, such as MP3, OGG, AAC, WMA
  • Shoutcast/Icecast and MMS protocols are supported out of the box
Quickly convert your music to a format that you need
  • DeaDBeeF comes with advanced Converter plugin, which allows to transcode files to other formats
  • Especially useful for transferring music to mobile devices on most modern platforms
  • You can even preprocess the files before converting — for example, downsample to lower rate, or apply Equalizer.
  • Title formatting is available for naming the files
  • Folder structure may be preserved optionally


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