dealbh luchdan

Leis na WebApps faodaidh tu làrach-lìn sam bith a thionndadh gu app. Rach gu làrach-lìn sam bith, dèan lethbhreac agus pasg air an URL, thoir ainm dha, agus voila. Tha an webapp a-nis mar phàirt den t-siostam agad mar aplacaid sam bith eile. Ma tha diofar bhrobhsairean agad air an stàladh faodaidh tu gin dhiubh a thaghadh airson na h-obrach. Tagh ìomhaigh àbhaisteach bhon phasgan ìomhaigh no ìomhaigh sam bith bhon choimpiutair agad. Tha sinn a’ moladh na h-aplacaidean lìn againn airson seo. Tha iad saor bho mhalairt agus air leth feumail.



They have links to trade-based social (ad) platforms such as youtube, facebook and the like, inside the app itself. And they may allow users to publish their apps in trade-based game stores.


Open-source, cross-platform game creator designed to be used by everyone – no programming skills required.

What makes GDevelop unique and so easy to use are the events. Events are a powerful way to express the logic of your game, without having to learn a programming language. Games created with GDevelop run anywhere and can be exported in a single click.

Use ready made objects from the asset store or create your own from scratch. Choose sprites, particle emitters, texts, videos and many others to build the scenes of your game.

Add effects to the layers and objects of your scene. These effects allow to quickly changes the atmosphere and rendering of your game in one click.

Dozens of additional behaviors are available through community extensions. You can import them in one click directly from the GDevelop editor.

The scene editor lets you visually edit your levels. Use Piskel, a powerful sprite editor, Jfxr for sound effects, Yarn for dialogues, integrate assets from the asset store or use the debugger to inspect your game while playing it.


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Còraichean © 2025 TROM-Jaro. Còraichean uile glèidhte. | Persona sìmplidh leGlac Cuspairean

Feumaidh sinn 200 neach gus 5 Euros a thoirt seachad gach mìos gus taic a thoirt do TROM agus a phròiseactan gu lèir, gu bràth.