dealbh luchdan

A’ lorg duilleagan marbh, 404n, fàilligidhean DNS & raon de bhriseadh lìn eile, a’ tabhann dreachan tasglainn a thaisbeanadh tro Inneal Wayback Tasglann an Eadar-lìn

A’ lorg duilleagan marbh, 404n, fàilligidhean DNS & raon de bhriseadh lìn eile, a’ tabhann dreachan tasglainn a thaisbeanadh tro Inneal Wayback Tasglann an Eadar-lìn


Never forget a password again. Securely store passwords using industry standard encryption, quickly auto-type them into desktop applications, and use our browser extension to log into websites.
  • Encrypted: The complete database is always encrypted with the industry-standard AES (alias Rijndael) encryption algorithm using a 256 bit key. KeePassXC uses a database format that is compatible with KeePass Password Safe. Your wallet works offline and requires no Internet connection.
  • Tar-àrd-ùrlar: KeePassXC is a community fork of KeePassX, the cross-platform port of KeePass for Windows. Every feature works cross-platform and was thoroughly tested on multiple systems to provide users with the same look and feel on every supported operating system. This includes the beloved Auto-Type feature.
  • Open Source: The full source code is published under the terms of the GNU General Public License. We see open source as a vital prerequisite for any security-critical software product. For that reason, KeePassXC is and always will be free as in freedom (and in beer). Contributions by everyone are welcome!

Fàg freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *

Còraichean © 2025 TROM-Jaro. Còraichean uile glèidhte. | Persona sìmplidh leGlac Cuspairean

Feumaidh sinn 200 neach gus 5 Euros a thoirt seachad gach mìos gus taic a thoirt do TROM agus a phròiseactan gu lèir, gu bràth.