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Software for the production of 2D animation.

Based on the software “Toonz”, developed by Digital Video S.p.A. in Italy, OpenToonz has been customized by Studio Ghibli, and used for the creation of its works for many years. Dwango has launched the OpenToonz project in cooperation with Digital Video and Studio Ghibli.
Since the software “Toonz”, which is the original version of OpenToonz, was first used for some cuts of Princess Mononoke, it has been used in the ink and paint, color design and digital composition process(*) of almost all of the works by Studio Ghibli. After “Arrietty/The Secret World of Arrietty” it was customized inside the company, and evolved to become more usable according to its production style.
The source code of OpenToonz can be modified freely, based on the license(*). It can be used by anyone free of charge, for both commercial and non-commercial projects. It can be used in all kinds of scenes, such as professional production, amateur production, and school education.
OpenToonz has unique features that have been iterated on based on the opinions of production staff, including the scanning tool “GTS” specializing in animation, which was developed in Studio Ghibli. For details, see “Introduction of the functions unique to OpenToonz” written below.

Dwango has developed a new SDK; a plug-in effect for image processing for OpenToonz. By using the SDK anyone can add effects to OpenToonz. Video expression researchers can receive swift feedback from on-site workers by developing and releasing their outcomes as plug-in effects.

By using the plug-in effect SDK, the effects developed by Dwango’s machine learning research and development team are released. They include the effect of automatically changing picture styles by applying the deep learning technology and the effect of producing affected incident light like those in classic works before the digitization of the production environment.


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