Kanagram is a game based on anagrams of words: the puzzle is solved when the letters of the scrambled word are put back in the correct order. …Cùm a ’leughadhKanagram
KGoldrunner is an action game where the hero runs through a maze, climbs stairs, dig holes and dodges enemies in order to collect all the gold nuggets and escape to the next level. Your enemies are also after the gold. Worse still, they are after you!. …Cùm a ’leughadhKGoldrunner
KShisen is a solitaire-like game played using the standard set of Mahjong tiles. Unlike Mahjong however, KShisen has only one layer of scrambled tiles. …Cùm a ’leughadhKShisen
Is e an t-amas aig Ceithir ann an sreath loidhne de cheithir de na màrbaill agad a thogail fhad ‘s a tha thu a’ feuchainn ri stad a chuir air an neach-dùbhlain agad (daonna no coimpiutair) loidhne de a chuid fhèin a thogail. Faodaidh loidhne a bhith còmhnard, dìreach no trastain. … Cùm a ’leughadhCeithir ann an sreath
Is e tòimhseachan sìmplidh a th’ ann an Tetravex far am feumar pìosan a shuidheachadh gus am bi na h-aon àireamhan a’ suathadh ri chèile. Tha an geama agad ann an ùine, tha na h-amannan sin air an stòradh ann am bòrd-sgòraidh air feadh an t-siostaim. … Cùm a ’leughadhTetravex
KFourInLine is a board game for two players based on the Connect-Four game. The players try to build up a row of four pieces using different strategies. …Cùm a ’leughadhKFourInLine
Karts. Nitro. Action! SuperTuxKart is a 3D open-source arcade racer with a variety characters, tracks, and modes to play. Our aim is to create a game that is more fun than realistic, and provide an enjoyable experience for all ages. …Cùm a ’leughadhMapa de SuperTux