An offline map editing application for indigenous territory mapping in remote environments. It uses mapeo-core for offline peer-to-peer synchronization of an OpenStreetMap database, without any server. The map editor is based on iDEditor, a simple and easy to use editor for OpenStreetMap. …Cùm a ’leughadhmapadh
Pure Maps is an application for Sailfish OS and Linux to display vector and raster maps, places, routes, and provide navigation instructions with a flexible selection of data and service providers. …Cùm a ’leughadhmapadh
Is e cruinne brìgheil agus atlas an t-saoghail a th’ ann am marmor - an sgian arm Eilbheis agad airson mapaichean as urrainn dhut a chleachdadh gus barrachd ionnsachadh mun Talamh agus planaidean eile. … Cùm a ’leughadhMarmor