Enjoy a distraction-free writing experience, including a full screen mode and a clean interface. With Markdown, you can write now, and format later. …Cùm a ’leughadhGhostwriter
Tha Calligra Suite na shreath oifis agus ealain grafaigeach le KDE. Tha e ri fhaighinn airson PCan deasg, coimpiutairean clàr, agus fònaichean sgairteil. Tha tagraidhean ann airson giollachd fhaclan, duilleagan-clèithe, taisbeanadh, grafaigean vector, agus deasachadh stòran-dàta. … Cùm a ’leughadhCalligra
Pluma is a text editor which supports most standard editor features. It also extends this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. …Cùm a ’leughadhPluma
Kate is a multi-document, multi-view text editor by KDE. It features stuff like codefolding, syntaxhighlighting, dynamic word wrap, an embedded console, an extensive plugin interface and some preliminary scripting support. …Cùm a ’leughadhCeit