dealbh luchdan




Wike is a Wikipedia reader for the GNOME Desktop. Provides access to all the content of this online encyclopedia in a native application, with a simpler and distraction-free view of articles.

dealbh luchdan

  • Open multiple articles in tabs
  • Multiple languages
  • Molaidhean rannsachaidh
  • List of recent articles
  • Simple bookmarks management
  • Text search in articles
  • Article table of contents
  • View article in other languages
  • GNOME Shell search integration
  • Light, dark and sepia themes

Ùghdar: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

Fàg freagairt

Cha tèid do sheòladh puist-d fhoillseachadh. Tha raointean riatanach air an comharrachadh *

Còraichean © 2024 TROM-Jaro. Còraichean uile glèidhte. | Persona sìmplidh leGlac Cuspairean

Feumaidh sinn 200 neach gus 5 Euros a thoirt seachad gach mìos gus taic a thoirt do TROM agus a phròiseactan gu lèir, gu bràth.