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Xa Dup

Xa Dup


Deja Dup will recommend Goolge Drive for online backups. But it is just a recommendation. Tho keep this in mind.


Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend.


  • Support for local, remote, or cloud backup locations such as Google Drive and Nextcloud
  • Securely encrypts and compresses your data
  • Incrementally backs up, letting you restore from any particular backup
  • Schedules regular backups
  • Integrates well into your GNOME desktop

1 pensou en "Xa Dup

  1. Using this for the past several years and it never failed on me. It creates encrypted backups in the background and it integrated very well with TROM-Jaro. You can simply right click a file/folder, then “restore to previous version” and select the restoration date for that particular file/folder. It is by far the easiest backup tool for Linux.

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