imaxe do cargador




This app uses iTunes for certain functionalities, which means that Apple may collect data about the users. Users trade their data in order to access the iTunes service.


The modern podcast client for the free desktop.


  • Full Audio and Video Support – Subscribe, browse, and listen to any podcast – audio or video.
  • iTunes Store Integration – Search across and browse the most popular podcast directory in the world.
  • Streaming and Downloading – Stream episodes on-the-fly, or save them for offline listening or permanent archival.
  • Internet Archive Integration – Effortlessly upload Creative Commons-licensed podcast episodes to the Internet Archive from directly within Vocal.
  • Custom Skip Intervals – Your time is valuable, so Vocal lets you set custom time intervals for the skip forward and backward buttons (so you can catch something you missed a few seconds ago, or jump forward a few minutes to breeze past an advertisement).
  • Smart Library Management – Never worry about old downloads filling up your hard disk! Vocal periodically cleans your library so the freshest content is always available, while also keeping the cruft out.
  • Position Saving – Vocal remembers exactly where you were in each episode, so it can start back right where you left off.
  • Light and Dark Themes – Switch between light and dark themes depending on your mood or to prevent eye strain.
  • Full System Integration – With native notifications, launcher count and progress bar support, system media keys, and sound menu integration, Vocal feels right at home in most modern Linux distributions.

Autor: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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