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GNOME Calculator

GNOME Calculator


Calculator is an application that solves mathematical equations and is suitable as a default application in a Desktop environment.

What Calculator is:

  • A tool for calculating mathematical equations
  • Uses standard mathematical notation where possible (so users do not have to learn the application when they already know maths)
  • Easy enough to use for simple maths (add, subtract, multiply, divide)
  • Powerful enough for mid-level mathematics (though not at the expense of being easy for simple mathematics)
  • Fast to load and responsive to input
  • Appropriately sized to fit into standard screen resolutions (e.g. netbooks)
  • Fully accessible
  • Well documented
  • Integrated into the GNOME Desktop

What Calculator is not:

  • It does not emulate any existing calculator interfaces, hardware or software (use those calculators if you want this behaviour)
  • It is not a power-tool for professional mathematicians (professionals should use a specialist application)
  • It is not a programming language (programmers should use a programming language)

Author: trom

A Trade-Free operating system based on Manjaro Linux. We think it’s easier to use than MacOS, better than Windows, more customizable than Android, and more secure than iOS. For Internet users, media editors/consumers, programmers, writers, designers, artists. Everyone!

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