hoton Loader

Boxy SVG

Boxy SVG

(Me nake ciniki?)

It uses external services such as Google Fonts, and they may collect data about you. It is also proprietary software and thus you cannot modify or even look at the code.

Jigon Nordic

Boxy SVG project goal is to create the best tool for editing SVG files. For beginners as well as for professional web designers and web developers. On any device and operating system.

=== Core features: ===

  • Clean and intuitive UI heavily inspired by Inkscape, Sketch and Adobe Illustrator
  • Extensive support for on-canvas editing of object geometry, transform, paint and other properties
  • Save to SVG and SVGZ formats, export to PNG, JPG, WebP, PDF and HTML5
  • Integration with Pixabay and other libraries with millions of free stock photos and vector assets
  • Google Fonts integration with hundreds of free fonts
  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts for over 100 commands
  • Manual guides, smart guides and grid
  • Path operations (unite, intersect, subtract, exclude, close, reverse, etc.)
  • Arrangement operations (align to, rotate, flip, order, group, etc.)

=== For web developers: ===

  • Chromium-based rendering engine
  • SVG and CSS code inspector similar to Chrome Dev Tools
  • Clean SVG output that preserves IDs, classes, titles and other metadata
  • SVG sprites editing support

Bar Amsa

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