Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes sensitive metadata collection, and is designed for people who want privacy and freedom from any forms of surveillance. …E hoomau heluheluSession Messenger
You can instantaneously show and hide your terminal with a single key stroke, execute a command, and then go back to your previous task without breaking your workflow.
… E hoomau heluheluGuake Terminal
ʻO KRDC kahi noi mea kūʻai aku e hiki ai iā ʻoe ke nānā a i ʻole ke kāohi ʻana i ka papa papa ma kekahi mīkini e holo ana i kahi kikowaena kūpono. Kākoʻo ʻia ʻo VNC a me RDP. … E hoomau heluheluKRDC