ileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface. …E hoomau heluheluFileZilla
ʻO Krita kahi mea paʻi kiʻi manuahi manuahi a wehe ʻia i hoʻolālā ʻia no nā mea pena kiʻi manaʻo, nā mea kiʻi kiʻi, matte a me nā mea pena kiʻi, a me ka ʻoihana VFX. … E hoomau heluheluHāʻule
Kazam is a simple screen recording program that will capture the content of your screen and record a video file that can be played by any video player that supports VP8/WebM video format. …E hoomau heluheluKazam
ʻO Inkscape kahi mea hoʻoponopono kiʻi vector open-source like me Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, a i ʻole Xara X. … E hoomau heluheluInkscape