תמונת מטעין


01. download

We provide two ISO images: a current one, and one previous to it (for backup/stability purposes). The ISOs are named based on the release date.
The following are different download ‘mirrors’ containing the same files. Check the hashes כאן.



02. flash

After you download the ISO (TROM-Jaro image file), you need to “flash” it to a USB stick. To do that use the proper tool for your operating system:

03. boot and test

Boot your computer into BIOS and change the boot order to make sure the USB flash drive is the first booting option. After you boot into TROM-Jaro you can see the fully functional Operating System in action. Test to see if everything works, like the WiFi, Bluetooth, track-pad, sound, etc.. If everything works then simply Install it by following the installer steps.

Note: the admin password for the live ISO is "TROMjaro".
זכויות יוצרים © 2025 TROM-Jaro. כל הזכויות שמורות. | פרסונה פשוטה מאתתפוס נושאים

אנחנו צריכים 200 אנשים לתרום 5 אירו בחודש כדי לתמוך ב-TROM ובכל הפרויקטים שלה, לנצח.