द्वारा लोडर छविट्रोम लोडर छवि 20 मार्च 2019अगस्त 3, 2022 पुदीना लोडर छवि लोडर छवि A small application to write .iso and .img files on a USB stick/key. It can also format them. लोडर छवि सूक्ति बक्से टो जीयूवी MultiWriter
This really is the simplest application for the purpose it carries with it. If you want to simply format a USB stick or write an iso to a USB stick, then that’s all it offers. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply beautiful and functional. मैं आपको दो उदाहरण देता हूं कि आप इसका उपयोग कैसे कर सकते हैं:
This really is the simplest application for the purpose it carries with it. If you want to simply format a USB stick or write an iso to a USB stick, then that’s all it offers. Nothing more, nothing less. Simply beautiful and functional.