Tsim los rau koj lub hlwb, tab sis koj tuaj yeem nruab rau hauv lub computer.
Tsis muaj kev tshaj tawm ntxiv thiab cov neeg taug qab siv koj, tsis muaj kev sim 'dawb', tsis muaj bullshit.
Xaiv ib qhov layout
TROMjaro can replicate most of the well known OS layouts out there.
Open the Layout Switcher app and choose the way your system will look.
qhov rais

mx ua




topx ua

Xaiv lub ntsiab
Our custom made Theme Switcher uses 162 unique themes.

customizable heev:
The bellow examples replicate some of the most well-known desktops, and are fully done with the default TROMjaro install . We've only installed some icon/themes via Add/Remove Software. The rest is done with right click , drag, move, and do. Super easy!
yooj yim siv thiab tswj
Our desktop layout is very simple and we hope)very intuitive. Everything is 'in your face' so you don't have to look around for settings, volume, workspaces, apps, and such.
Despite providing different layouts via the Layout Switcher, the workflow remains the same.

There is one single settings manager to rule them all! And we've added plenty of options to it. Change the theme, icons, cursor; tweak the touchscreen/touchpad gestures, map your mouse buttons or change the mouse gestures. And if your hardware is supported you can even tweak the RGB lights for your keyboard/mouse.
Qhov no yog ib qho chaw mus thaum koj xav tau tweak koj qhov system.
software manager
Muaj ib qho chaw uas koj yuav tsum siv rau nruab / tshem tawm / hloov kho koj cov software: Ntxiv / tshem tawm Software. Nws muaj pawg thiab nws yooj yim heev rau siv. Nrhiav ib qho app, ces nyem rau nruab. Lub kaw lus yuav ua kom ceeb toom koj thaum muaj kev hloov tshiab rau lub app ntawd.
Yog li ntawd, koj cov apps thiab koj lub cev yuav hloov kho txhua lub sijhawm yam tsis muaj koj txhawj xeeb txog nws!

tsis siv neeg thaub qab ntawm qhov system
Thaum twg TROMjaro pom tias cov khoom tseem ceeb ntawm lub kaw lus xav tau kev hloov kho tshiab, nws yuav cia li thaub qab koj lub cev tag nrho ua ntej ua qhov hloov kho dua tshiab. Txoj kev no, yog tias koj lub kaw lus tsis ua haujlwm, koj tuaj yeem rov qab tau yooj yim. Ntawm System Backups koj tuaj yeem tweak cov chaw ntawm koj nyiam, teem caij thaub qab txhua lub sijhawm koj xav tau.
muaj peev xwm txuag tau sijhawm
Imagine you have several workspaces and each of them has a bunch of apps opened. Word documents, video players, files, etc.. You want to reboot your system but do not want to lose these. In TROMjaro, every time you reboot/shutdown your system you have the ability to save the session, so next time you boot up everything will be back.
tswv cov ntaub ntawv
Ib qho Kev Ua Haujlwm yuav tsum xyuas kom meej tias tag nrho koj cov ntaub ntawv tuaj yeem saib ua ntej / kho. Tsis muaj hassle: ob npaug nias cov ntaub ntawv, uas yog txhua yam nws xav tau.
tswj lub vev xaib
Browse the web without trading.
Peb kho Firefox kom nws ua lag luam dawb, txhawm rau thaiv feem ntau ntawm kev lag luam online: sau cov ntaub ntawv, taug qab, tshaj tawm, geo-blocking, thiab lwm yam .. Txhua tus neeg yuav tsum nkag mus rau txhua lub vev xaib (lossis cov ntaub ntawv tshawb fawb) yam tsis muaj kev lag luam rov qab. . Nyob rau sab saum toj ntawm qhov peb xav tias tib neeg yuav tsum tau tso cai rub tawm cov yeeb yaj kiab, cov ntaub ntawv audio thiab cov duab los ntawm ib lub vev xaib lossis khaws cov vev xaib rau tom qab lossis siv offline, thiab yog li peb ntxiv cov cuab yeej rau cov neeg siv ua qhov ntawd.
Peb kuj tau ntxiv peb tus kheej piv txwv ntawm SearX raws li lub hauv paus kev tshawb fawb cav, kom leej twg tuaj yeem tshawb xyuas lub vev xaib yam tsis muaj kev txwv, tshaj tawm, trackers thiab lwm yam.

Privacy Badger
Tsis siv neeg kawm los thaiv qhov tsis pom trackers.

Sci-Hub X Now!
Xauv tag nrho cov ntaub ntawv tshawb fawb.

uBlock Keeb kwm
Ib tug npaum wide-spectrum cov ntsiab lus blocker

Wayback Tshuab
Internet Archive Wayback Tshuab.

Yooj yim hla YouTube video txhawb nqa lossis intros.

Plugin for KeePassXC Manager

Redirects cov vev xaib mus rau kev ceev ntiag tug tus phooj ywg frontends.

Enable Right Click & Copy
Force Enable Right Click & Copy
tswv cov hauv paus
Koj yuav tsum muaj peev xwm sau koj lub suab, tshuaj ntsuam, sau ntawv, qhia cov ntaub ntawv, sib txuas lus nrog phooj ywg, thiab lwm yam, los ntawm kev mus!
Cov no yog cov cuab yeej tseem ceeb!
Lub Heads Up Display (HUD) yog qhov muaj txiaj ntsig zoo heev. Nias ALT thaum lub app ua kom pom tseeb, thiab yog tias lub app txhawb nqa nws, koj tuaj yeem tshawb nrhiav sai sai los ntawm tag nrho cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab mus raws nraim qhov koj xav tau. Ua piv txwv, yog tias koj xav hloov cov duab theem hauv GIMP, ib txwm koj yuav tsum tau browser los ntawm ntau cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab cov ntawv qhia zaub mov kom pom nws, tab sis nrog HUD koj tuaj yeem pom nws hauv ib pliag.
Los ntawm lub neej ntawd, hauv TROMjaro peb tau teeb tsa qee qhov taw qhia rau tus nas, touchpad thiab kov cov ntxaij vab tshaus, kom koj lub neej yooj yim dua.
maximize thiab restore lub qhov rais
- tuav txoj cai nias thiab luag
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab swb
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab swb
txo qhov rais
- tuav txoj cai nias thiab luag
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab xaub mus
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab xaub mus
pobzeb ib qhov rais
- tuav txoj cai nyem thiab luag sab laug/txoj cai
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab swb sab laug / sab xis
- siv 3 ntiv tes thiab swb sab laug/txoj cai
txav mus rau lwm qhov chaw ua haujlwm
- tuav txoj cai nias thiab kos < or >
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab swb sab laug / sab xis
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab swb sab laug / sab xis
qhia cov apps launcher
- tuav txoj cai nyem thiab kos ⌃
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab xaub mus
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab xaub mus
qhia cov keyboard virtual
- tuav txoj cai nias thiab kos ˅
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab swb
- siv 4 ntiv tes thiab swb