xaum 2d

duab loader
Ib qho yooj yim, intuitive cuab tam los ua 2D tes-drawn animations.
Tsim tsawg kawg nkaus
Lub teeb yuag thiab siv tau yooj yim yog li koj tuaj yeem tsom mus rau animating thiab tsis yog khawm dab tsi los ntaus tom ntej.
Raster & Vector
Seamlessly switch between raster and vector workflows, allowing you to sketch, ink & paint on the go.
Hla Platform
Pencil2D is cross-platform and runs on Windows, macOS, Linux & FreeBSD.
Open Source & Free
Pencil2D yog qhov qhib kiag li thiab siv dawb, txawm tias ua lag luam!