The Pix image gallery is ideal for browsing and displaying a collection of images.
An Image gallery application.
Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer by KDE, ideal for browsing and displaying a collection of images.
Yog tias koj muaj ntau pua lossis ntau txhiab tus duab ntawm koj lub hard drive, nws tsis tuaj yeem nco qab zaj dab neeg tom qab txhua daim duab lossis cov npe ntawm cov neeg uas tau yees duab. KPhotoAlbum tau tsim los pab koj piav qhia koj cov duab thiab tom qab ntawd tshawb xyuas pawg loj ntawm cov duab sai thiab ua tau zoo.
gThumb yog tus saib duab thiab browser rau GNOME Desktop. Nws kuj muaj xws li ib tug importer cuab tam rau hloov cov duab los ntawm lub koob yees duab.