A beautiful theme that comes with many variations of accent colors and light/dark modes.
Kanagawa ntsiab
GTK theme with the Kanagawa colour palette.
Gruvbox ntsiab
Gruvbox Cov ntsiab lus rau GTK, Gnome, Cinnamon, XFCE, Kev sib sau thiab Plank.
Everforest Ntsiab Lus
Lub tswv yim yug los ntawm qhov xav tau GTK cov ntsiab lus uas phim xim xim ntawm Neovim tus thawj coj los muab cov xim sib tw los muab cov xim tsis zoo thiab tsis sib thooj ua haujlwm ib puag ncig.
Juno ntsiab
A Dark theme for TROMjaro.