KSquares je igra napravljena po uzoru na poznatu igru Dots and Boxes koja se temelji na olovci i papiru. Svaki igrač redom povlači crtu između dvije susjedne točke na ploči. Cilj je popuniti više polja od protivnika. … nastavi čitatiKkvadrati
Also known as Solitaire or sol. The rules for the games have been coded for your pleasure in the GNOME scripting language (Scheme) …nastavi čitatiAisleriot
KAtomic je zabavna obrazovna igra izgrađena oko molekularne geometrije. Koristi jednostavan dvodimenzionalni pogled na različite kemijske elemente. … nastavi čitatiKatomic
Five or More is the GNOME port of the once popular Windows game called Color Lines. The game’s objective is to align as often as possible five or more objects of the same color and shape causing them to disappear. Play as long as possible, and be #1 in the High Scores. …nastavi čitatiFive or More
Naval Battle is a ship sinking game. Ships are placed on a board which represents the sea. Players try to hit each others ships in turns without knowing where they are placed. The first player to destroy all ships wins the game. …nastavi čitatiNaval Battle