Uz WebApps možete pretvoriti bilo koju web stranicu u aplikaciju. Idite na bilo koju web stranicu, kopirajte i zalijepite URL, dajte mu ime i voila. Web-aplikacija je sada dio vašeg sustava kao i svaka druga aplikacija. Ako imate instalirane različite preglednike, možete odabrati bilo koji od njih za posao. Odaberite prilagođenu ikonu iz paketa ikona ili bilo koju sliku s vašeg računala. Za to preporučujemo naše web-aplikacije Oni su bez trgovine i iznimno su korisni.

KTorrent is a BitTorrent application by KDE which allows you to download files using the BitTorrent protocol. It enables you to run multiple torrents at the same time and comes with extended features to make it a full-featured client for BitTorrent.
- Queuing of torrents
- Global and per torrent speed limits
- Previewing of certain file types, build in (video and audio)
- Importing of partially or fully downloaded files
- File prioritization for multi-file torrents
- Selective downloading for multi-file torrents
- Kick/ban peers with an additional IP Filter dialog for list/edit purposes
- UDP tracker support
- Support for private trackers and torrents
- Support for µTorrent’s peer exchange
- Support for protocol encryption (compatible with Azureus)
- Support for creating trackerless torrents
- Support for distributed hash tables (DHT, the Mainline version)
- Support for UPnP to automatically forward ports on a LAN with dynamic assigned hosts
- Support for webseeds
- Scripting support via Kross, and interprocess control via D-Bus interface
- System tray integration
- Tracker authentication support
- Connection through a proxy
In addition to the built-in functionalities, there are some plugins available for KTorrent.