Uz WebApps možete pretvoriti bilo koju web stranicu u aplikaciju. Idite na bilo koju web stranicu, kopirajte i zalijepite URL, dajte mu ime i voila. Web-aplikacija je sada dio vašeg sustava kao i svaka druga aplikacija. Ako imate instalirane različite preglednike, možete odabrati bilo koji od njih za posao. Odaberite prilagođenu ikonu iz paketa ikona ili bilo koju sliku s vašeg računala. Za to preporučujemo naše web-aplikacije Oni su bez trgovine i iznimno su korisni.

Session is an end-to-end encrypted messenger that removes sensitive metadata collection, and is designed for people who want privacy and freedom from any forms of surveillance.
- No identification is required to create a Session account.
- Session doesn’t collect data, so there’s nothing to leak.
- Send messages through our onion routing network and leave no trace.
- Session’s code has nothing to hide. Anyone can view, audit and contribute.
- One account, many devices. Session works wherever you go.
- With no central point of failure, its harder to shut Session down.
- Talk to your friends or talk to the world. You decide. Closed Groups let you talk to up to 10 friends at once. Got a bigger crowd? Use a Open Group — connect with as many people as you want.
- Sometimes, a text just isn’t enough. Send something a little more personal — it’s okay, you’re still private. Session lets you send voice messages, so nothing gets lost in translation.
- Don’t leak those docs. Send all your files, images, and attachments through a network that takes your privacy seriously.