LAGE 04.10.2020
Kèk chanjman ak kèk dènye. Isit la yo se chanjman sa yo:
- Nou aksidantèlman retire Firefox la 'Sa Pwotokòl P2P‘Addon. Li pa t 'vo rekonstwi ISO a jis pou ajoute li tounen, men nou rekòmande pou kite li la si ou deja gen TROMjaro enstale, epi si ou itilize ISO sa a tou senpleman swiv lyen ki anwo a epi enstale li. Nou eskize epi nou pral pote l 'tounen nan pwochen ISO lage.
- Nou enstale "Redireksyon vi prive” Firefox extension. The extension redirects popular trade-based websites such as youtube, instagram, twitter and google maps, to their trade-free alternatives. Since at times these alternatives do not work, we disabled its functionality by default. You can enable these “redirects” by simply clicking the top “eye” icon in Firefox and choosing what to redirect and what not. We are keeping a close eye on the development of this Addon and we will even try to provide instances for these alternative trade-free services, so that we make it more robust.
Nòt bò: sou premye bòt la apre enstale a, ekstansyon Unite an pa chaje e kidonk li se ka pou anviwònman Firefox la. Swa rdemare òdinatè a oswa rafrechi Desktop la pa peze Alt + F2, ekri "r", peze antre. Oswa fèmen Firefox epi louvri l 'ankò. Nou pa konnen ki sa ki lakòz ensèk sa a, men li se fasil ranje pa senpleman rekòmanse òdinatè a, Desktop, oswa Firefox. Epi li pral travay apre sa.
Pifò moun navige sou entènèt la kote pwobableman pi fò nan aktivite òdinatè yo ap pase. Yo gade videyo sou entènèt, li, kominike, rechèch, ak plis ankò. Men, ki jan eksperyans nan soti nan bwat la sou Windows oswa TROMjaro? Ak sa ki sou enstale aplikasyon yo?