RELEASE 14.03.2021
The normal updates + tiny little changes:
- We replaced some of the Privacy Redirect Firefox plugin urls, with our own supported instances such as Bibliogram, Invidious, or Searx. See our new mega-project where we provide trade-free alternatives to Youtube, Facebook, Google Docs and Drive, Dropbox, Wetransfer, and more. We plan to make webapps out of them all in the near future, for our TROMjaro ISO.
- We fixed a bit the Terminal font.
Nòt bò: sou premye bòt la apre enstale a, ekstansyon Unite an pa chaje e kidonk li se ka pou anviwònman Firefox la. Swa rdemare òdinatè a oswa rafrechi Desktop la pa peze Alt + F2, ekri "r", peze antre. Oswa fèmen Firefox epi louvri l 'ankò. Nou pa konnen ki sa ki lakòz ensèk sa a, men li se fasil ranje pa senpleman rekòmanse òdinatè a, Desktop, oswa Firefox. Epi li pral travay apre sa.
Pifò moun navige sou entènèt la kote pwobableman pi fò nan aktivite òdinatè yo ap pase. Yo gade videyo sou entènèt, li, kominike, rechèch, ak plis ankò. Men, ki jan eksperyans nan soti nan bwat la sou Windows oswa TROMjaro? Ak sa ki sou enstale aplikasyon yo?